6 Weird things about Heidi
Tagged by Sarah
Each player of this game starts with the ’six weird things about you’ blog post. People who get tagged need to write their own six weird things post and state the rules clearly. At the end of the post tag six more people and don’t forget to leave a comment on their blog to tell them they have been tagged and tell them to read your blog.
The problem is, they're not WEIRD to you - just everyone else - so it's not all that easy to just pluck these things out of one' s Psyche, but here goes...
1) I have a whole range of food issues: I don't like to eat hot and cold food from the same plate (e.g. salad cannot be on the same plate as a baked potato, because it instantly becomes all warm and soggy.) I think it's disgusting to eat cold 'salads' of things that should be hot - I mean things like Rice/pasta/potato salad, that most people think are nice. Bleurgh. More weirdly, I also can't eat two different foods on the same forkful- if they've been cooked separately, I have to chew them separately (e.g. NEVER put meat and vegetables in my mouth at the same time, or even two kinds of vegetables.) Having said that, cheese and pineapple together are yummy, and certain colour combinations of Fruit Pastilles work well...
2) I can sleep for twelve solid hours, and still need someone to wake me up. I am oblivious to planes, the phone, the hoover, crying babies - mine or anyone elses- and can ignore being coaxed, jumped on by kids, and having cats coming and falling asleep on me.
3) I have a weak spot for the monstrous Dame Shirley Bassey- she's a lunatic who truly gurns when she performs, but, boy can she sing!
4) I can't get into an unmade bed, so even if it has been accidentally left in a mess all day, I will re-arrange the pillows, make the bed, even up the corners, then pull back the duvet to get in! I also have to sleep with my back to the door. I think it's a hangover from childhood - I just don't want to know what the boogeyman looks like, or at least, I don't want to see it coming!
5) I love the smell of DIY stores. Mmmm, sawdust...
6) As a child I suffered from a wierd OCD disorder called Trichotillomania - I pulled my hair out. That's clinically weird. Beat that.
Alana - coz she's more overdue a post than I was
Nikki - coz she'll probably add a few to mine!
Mim - coz she might do it if she's tagged enough
Esther - in the hope that she might break her blog silence
Mark, so I can point and laugh
No-one else to tag, which probably means I'm breaking the rules, but what the hey!
Each player of this game starts with the ’six weird things about you’ blog post. People who get tagged need to write their own six weird things post and state the rules clearly. At the end of the post tag six more people and don’t forget to leave a comment on their blog to tell them they have been tagged and tell them to read your blog.
The problem is, they're not WEIRD to you - just everyone else - so it's not all that easy to just pluck these things out of one' s Psyche, but here goes...
1) I have a whole range of food issues: I don't like to eat hot and cold food from the same plate (e.g. salad cannot be on the same plate as a baked potato, because it instantly becomes all warm and soggy.) I think it's disgusting to eat cold 'salads' of things that should be hot - I mean things like Rice/pasta/potato salad, that most people think are nice. Bleurgh. More weirdly, I also can't eat two different foods on the same forkful- if they've been cooked separately, I have to chew them separately (e.g. NEVER put meat and vegetables in my mouth at the same time, or even two kinds of vegetables.) Having said that, cheese and pineapple together are yummy, and certain colour combinations of Fruit Pastilles work well...
2) I can sleep for twelve solid hours, and still need someone to wake me up. I am oblivious to planes, the phone, the hoover, crying babies - mine or anyone elses- and can ignore being coaxed, jumped on by kids, and having cats coming and falling asleep on me.
3) I have a weak spot for the monstrous Dame Shirley Bassey- she's a lunatic who truly gurns when she performs, but, boy can she sing!
4) I can't get into an unmade bed, so even if it has been accidentally left in a mess all day, I will re-arrange the pillows, make the bed, even up the corners, then pull back the duvet to get in! I also have to sleep with my back to the door. I think it's a hangover from childhood - I just don't want to know what the boogeyman looks like, or at least, I don't want to see it coming!
5) I love the smell of DIY stores. Mmmm, sawdust...
6) As a child I suffered from a wierd OCD disorder called Trichotillomania - I pulled my hair out. That's clinically weird. Beat that.
Alana - coz she's more overdue a post than I was
Nikki - coz she'll probably add a few to mine!
Mim - coz she might do it if she's tagged enough
Esther - in the hope that she might break her blog silence
Mark, so I can point and laugh
No-one else to tag, which probably means I'm breaking the rules, but what the hey!
At 7:20 am ,
Sarah said...
oh, I so agree with that salad thing, other people think I'm weird like that too but lettuce just shouldn't get warm. Or wet. Ever.
At 7:56 am ,
Nikki Mayfield said...
Ok, I accept the tagging and will get onto it when I can!
Did not realise the extent of the cold/hot thing for you!!!
At 11:41 pm ,
Mr Thomas said...
Well, would you believe that i have never noticed that my wife won't put 2 different foods on her fork? I mean I knew she was insane, but...
At 7:56 pm ,
Esther said...
Number 6 is pretty impressive!
And also, I sympathise on the unmade-bed thing :)
At 8:04 pm ,
Esther said...
You win out of the Thomas clan I think, Heidi.
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