Yesterday evening, while popping a few bits up in the loft, the ladder came unlatched and I ended up in a heap on the landing floor. Despite smashing a mirror on the way down, and landing partially on top of the ladder, I've not got more than a couple of bruises. Boy am I sore, though! Caleb has had the first three days off pre-school this week already, with a cold, but I just couldn't face the walk there, back, there and back again with pulled muscles and a throbbing tushie! Worst thing about it: I screamed like a big GIRL.
At 11:45 am , Sarah said...
Ow, that sounds nasty. Hope you are lying around and not doing too much today. I cut my thumb with a kitchen knife this morning which meant I couldn't finish peeling/chopping pumpkin and made Steve do it instead. Luckily I can still type and play computer games though ;)
At 11:17 am , Nikki Mayfield said...
Aw sweetie - sounds like a totally nasty fall! Hope you've got some good briuses coming up to show for it!
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