Last Dr Who thoughts, and other stuff
Having just watched the last episode of the new Dr Who series, I feel I ought to give my thoughts. It was alright, but didn't make much sense (even within the established nonsense-based Whoniverse), and the Doctor shouldn't have kissed Rose, and Captain Jack should have stayed dead (sick and tired of Russell T Davies using his character as a political mouthpiece). Regeneration: great. Shame Davros didn't look a bit like he used to, that would have been nice. I still think that overall the series has been really fun though, and has more or less eradicated the memory of the Paul McGann debacle. Very much looking forward to seeing what David Tennant makes of it.
In other news, I am now a fully fledged pastor. Not really, but I completed my part-time training course today (with merit), and got a certificate. Which was nice.
Sadly, while I was doing that, Caleb was having bodily function issues at home, which Heidi had to deal with.
This will show up as one of Heidi's posts, but actually it's Mark. Bye!
In other news, I am now a fully fledged pastor. Not really, but I completed my part-time training course today (with merit), and got a certificate. Which was nice.
Sadly, while I was doing that, Caleb was having bodily function issues at home, which Heidi had to deal with.
This will show up as one of Heidi's posts, but actually it's Mark. Bye!
At 5:16 pm ,
Esther said...
Hey, well done on the pastor thing!
I quite liked Doctor Who, but mainly just because I was completely unprepared for the regeneration - completely agree with you on the Rose front, though.
Nice to be able to read what you're doing; I wondered how long it would be before Sarah managed to get you hooked!
At 6:04 pm ,
Sarah said...
I didn't ever tell them to blog! although I'm very glad they are :)
Regeneration - Est, where have you been? It was obvious that was going to happen from the minute they 'leaked' that Christopher Eccleston was only doing one series (as if he was ever going to do more than one).
Agree about Rose too, and Davros! Kids are gutted not to have any more Dr Who until Christmas.
Hope Caleb is better and well done on the pastoring course! Still waiting with baited breath to hear what it is that you think the world would like to read ... !!
At 7:17 pm ,
Esther said...
Sarah - (sorry M&H, your blog is already being used for random conversations) - all I meant was that I thought he was going to regenerate at Christmas, not yesterday. Am kind of glad he did though, Christopher Eccleston was starting to annoy me :)
Heidi, meant to say if you ever feel really bored from Wednesday onwards, give me a ring cos I'll be free (hooray!) and could come and visit!
At 7:20 pm ,
Sarah said...
oh, okay, that makes sense then! You don't want to come and visit us, do you, Esther? You're very welcome!!
At 9:21 am ,
Esther said...
Hi Sarah, would love to come and visit sometime, will send you an email :)
At 5:57 pm ,
Nikki Mayfield said...
Okay, on Doctor Who.. Why are they still torturing us with Rose?? Sack Billie Piper someone please. I thought it was a very cheesy finale, disappointing - although the whole series has been a bit hit and miss. (but at leaset watchable - unlike all previous series in my opinion!)
Well done Marky, or is that Pastor Marky now??!!!!
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