Blue bands
We both wear the White Make Poverty History wristband and the ProLife one, which is blue. Does anyone know of another cause that is a blue band? I noticed Chris Martin (I think that's his name) from Coldplay was wearing a blue band, but I find it highly unlikely he would wear something as controversial/ un-liberal as a ProLife one. Any ideas?
At 7:24 pm ,
Sarah said...
don't you like Coldplay then? There is a bit of an Exeter link, and Chris Martin's bro went to Emmanuel school for a bit, they live just down the road from us.
Don't know what the blue band is though - why shouldn't he wear a pro-life one?
At 10:35 am ,
Alana said...
The other blue one is for the anti-bullying campaign.
At 12:40 pm ,
Alana said...
As a supporter of the Make Poverty History campaign you might be interested in putting the white band on your blog. Get the html by going to:
At 2:22 pm ,
Mim said...
Mark, as a teacher I think you should have known that the blue one was anti-bullying!!
At 7:10 pm ,
The inimitable Mrs T. said...
Well, we've only come across yellow anti-bullying ones, so that's good to know! My point about Chris Martin was that the prolife thing is a very inflammatry (sp?)issue, in America especially, and I found it unlikely that someone with strong American ties would be that brave. Maybe I'm just cynical.
At 7:11 pm ,
The inimitable Mrs T. said...
Tried putting the white band on the blog before and it didn't work. Will try again, thanks Allie
At 10:13 am ,
Nikki Mayfield said...
You can also add buttons... I have one on my blog now.
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