Fuzzy fun

Yesterday Mim and Adam came over and did a wonderful job of amusing Caleb all afternoon. They really got into the whole fuzzyfelt thing, despite Caleb's bossiness. They're both great with him. The best part is that they're fun in a really calm way- no running and shouting- which is perfect on a Sunday afternoon when you're all feeling tired. Gosh I sound old! I'll put it down to having a six-week-old baby.
Anyway, it was lovely hearing about the wedding plans, and the spectacular honeymoon they've booked (if you can't go to the Maldives for your honeymoon, when can you go?!) I told Mim she should do a Wedding blog so we can all get girly about things. For some reason she still thinks it's a good idea to have Josiah and Caleb as pageboys, we're chuffed but we think she's playing with fire...
Mim and Adam are really good at ringing us up and asking when they can come over. I want to say I wish there were more people that were so good at keeping in touch, but I know it's all my fault that we go months without seeing some of our favourite people. Must get better at that- it's free entertainment for Caleb!
At 11:20 am ,
Sarah said...
Nice pictures. We found Mim and Adam to be brilliant with our children when they came down, too! And glad you suggested a blog for her, she's taken you up on the suggestion you know?!
There is a story about Alfie being a Page Boy that we've been reading to Josiah, d'you want to borrow it, a bit nearer the time, maybe?
At 1:33 pm ,
Mim said...
hmm, I thought I was pretty bad at coming over to see you, seeing as we only live 30 minutes away! But I had a lovely time with all of you yesterday.
I think we've got that Alfie book too at home, although its probably pretty battered by now!
At 10:57 pm ,
Alana said...
Good choice - Maldives is fantastic - we went there as part of our honeymoon and it was just blissful!
At 10:58 pm ,
Alana said...
Didn't know that fuzzy felt still existed! I used to love that stuff!
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