I love a good storm...
Yay! Cracks of lightning, thunder reverberating, rain lashing and the sound of an icy wind (maybe that's something on the air base...?). "Storms: the best fun you can have with the weather. Discuss."
The thoughts, random or otherwise, of Mark and Heidi Thomas. Sometimes possibly Caleb and Elodie, depending on how much sense they are making.
At 8:29 pm ,
Sarah said...
Driving our volvo 850 across the snowy back roads in Scotlands was more fun.
Storms are only fun if you're watching them in a nice warm house. But I love a good one too. Friday morning was fantastic here.
At 8:32 pm ,
Mim said...
Yep, I like storms. Adam says he likes being in a tent during a storm, not so sure myself!
At 8:42 pm ,
Sarah said...
Glastonbury this year?! Not my idea of fun! Harrogate 2002 was bad enough!
At 11:10 pm ,
Alana said...
You can tell you're a teacher - a statment follwed by the would "discuss" chills me with the reminders of school exams!!
I'm only happy with the storms if I'm inside. Also it knocked out our wireless connection (boo, hiss!) - how am I meant to write my blog from the comfort of the sofa whilst watching TV (yes, I'm a women I can multi-task!).
Can I have extra marks if I show my workings?
At 10:00 am ,
Sarah said...
Conversation in the girls' bedroom today:
Me: look, Uncle Marky and Aunty Heidi have got a blog now as well.
[short moment while eldest daughter investigates, and coos over photo of Elodie!]
A: Why's it called Spacebats?
Me: I don't know, why don't you comment and ask them?
A: I can't be bothered. I'll ask them when I see them.
Me: Have you seen Uncle Marky has got a link to the Doctor Who website?
A: Well it's easier to click on the thing and just go there.
*rolling my eyes at my eldest daughter* She spends so long on the Dr Who site that it is TOP in her recently visited websites on the address bar!
So, why is it called Spacebats?
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