The return
Well, having felt bereft without the ability to blog for 10 days or so you would think I would have been right back to it as soon as we got the laptop back in working order. However, I have found myself without the time or the inspiration! But here are some things we did/ thought about during 'the great silence' to get you up to date with our lives:
We generally moaned a lot about not being able to search/ buy/ blog/ upload photos etc. in the absence of a computer; We failed to get Elodie to her first immunisations due to nasty summer colds all round; We spent a perfect afternoon in the garden with Nana & Grandad and Joy and Elias (ask Nana about Elias and the hosepipe and see if she can keep it together!); We devoted all naptimes and free evenings to watching Alias season 3 in its entirety- and got through it pretty quickly!; Caleb has became obsessed with the Veggie Tales re-telling of Daniel; I realised that it would be more realistic if I substituted 'God' or 'You' with Caleb/Elodie in a lot of worship songs (It can feel more like 'I live for Elodie alone, every breath that I take, every moment I'm awake...' at the moment!); We forgot to send birthday cards to Daniel and Simon Dillon even though we love them a lot; Elodie finally took notice of our efforts and spontaneously started to go with the routine- she's even sleeping in her cot for naps and during the evening, which she had resolutely refused to do before- yay!
Much to my horror, Mark and Caleb have started bumping heads and saying 'noggin' like the turtles from Finding Nemo; We read a questionable book called How Movies Helped Save My Soul and discussed it at great length, but that's probably a good subject for a whole post itself...
Since getting the laptop back I've... got myself up to date with everyone else's blogs- some of you have been remarkably reticent! I've been frantically ordering from all the catalogues' sales (I have so few post-baby clothes, and I'm too vain to make do until Elodie moves to formula milk and I can stop eating and feeling so much like a cow!) We've been googling for pictures of some of Caleb's favourite things- one of his favourite pastimes, we save them all and they make a great slide show for him on a rainy afternoon... I'm relieved to have the whole WWW at my disposal again to find resources for the series we're doing in housegroup over the summer...I've checked out Yahoo's hundred wierdest web sites, I leave you with one of my favourites: that's Mothers Against Peeing Standing Up- and it doesn't seem in the least bit tongue-in-cheek to me!
We generally moaned a lot about not being able to search/ buy/ blog/ upload photos etc. in the absence of a computer; We failed to get Elodie to her first immunisations due to nasty summer colds all round; We spent a perfect afternoon in the garden with Nana & Grandad and Joy and Elias (ask Nana about Elias and the hosepipe and see if she can keep it together!); We devoted all naptimes and free evenings to watching Alias season 3 in its entirety- and got through it pretty quickly!; Caleb has became obsessed with the Veggie Tales re-telling of Daniel; I realised that it would be more realistic if I substituted 'God' or 'You' with Caleb/Elodie in a lot of worship songs (It can feel more like 'I live for Elodie alone, every breath that I take, every moment I'm awake...' at the moment!); We forgot to send birthday cards to Daniel and Simon Dillon even though we love them a lot; Elodie finally took notice of our efforts and spontaneously started to go with the routine- she's even sleeping in her cot for naps and during the evening, which she had resolutely refused to do before- yay!
Much to my horror, Mark and Caleb have started bumping heads and saying 'noggin' like the turtles from Finding Nemo; We read a questionable book called How Movies Helped Save My Soul and discussed it at great length, but that's probably a good subject for a whole post itself...
Since getting the laptop back I've... got myself up to date with everyone else's blogs- some of you have been remarkably reticent! I've been frantically ordering from all the catalogues' sales (I have so few post-baby clothes, and I'm too vain to make do until Elodie moves to formula milk and I can stop eating and feeling so much like a cow!) We've been googling for pictures of some of Caleb's favourite things- one of his favourite pastimes, we save them all and they make a great slide show for him on a rainy afternoon... I'm relieved to have the whole WWW at my disposal again to find resources for the series we're doing in housegroup over the summer...I've checked out Yahoo's hundred wierdest web sites, I leave you with one of my favourites: that's Mothers Against Peeing Standing Up- and it doesn't seem in the least bit tongue-in-cheek to me!
At 2:25 pm ,
Sarah said...
Glad you're back - I for one have missed your blogging!
So do you have two sets of Nana & Grandads? (assuming that that Nana & Grandad were your parents, Heidi, and also assuming that your children call Mark and my parents the same as our children do)
I have a son against peeing standing up so as yet don't need to look at that link (but I did anyway, very funny!)
Now - Sunday - are you still expecting us? If so what time would you like us to arrive and leave?!
At 10:57 pm ,
The inimitable Mrs T. said...
Yes, we have Nana & Grandad, and Nana-Lorraine & Grandad. Surprisingly, it doesn't get confusing! Re Sunday: we can do whatever you'd like as long as you tell us first.
At 7:13 am ,
Sarah said...
Okay - I'll email you - have you got church to go to at any point?
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