What an odd, terrible and brilliant day
Woke up yesterday looking forward to a day off (paternity leave juggled around), which I did enjoy, and opened presents from my family (thanks for the fudge, Mr Men smellies, money - spent already - CDs and Star Wars Lego from Caleb & Elodie). Didn't get dressed, had a nice, healthy-ish breakfast and then found out someone had bombed London.
Watched them say not much on the news for an hour, heard Tony Blair's first reaction (totally appropriate and right, in my opinion) and prayed with Heidi for those working in the emergency services, the victims & their families and the G8 leaders.
Went shopping in Swindon for new shoes for Caleb, and Heidi's present to me (Alias series 3), came home, had pizza, put a very tired boy in bed and prepared to lead housegroup. Disappointed at the low turnout for Jeremy Bray coming in specially from Didcot to talk about their church-planting experiences.
Went to bed with the realisation that some people will be calling it '7/7' from now on (and they are, I noticed in the online news this morning), and the fact that every birthday I have from now on I'll be reminded of the terrible events in London yesterday. That might sound a bit self-centred, for which I apologise - it must be awful for people whose birthday is 11th September.
Actually what angers me most about yesterday was the fact that the G8, poised and ready (I assume) to do good with regard to the world's poor and climate, will almost certainly have a different focus and be distracted by the bombs. I pray it carries on as planned.
Watched them say not much on the news for an hour, heard Tony Blair's first reaction (totally appropriate and right, in my opinion) and prayed with Heidi for those working in the emergency services, the victims & their families and the G8 leaders.
Went shopping in Swindon for new shoes for Caleb, and Heidi's present to me (Alias series 3), came home, had pizza, put a very tired boy in bed and prepared to lead housegroup. Disappointed at the low turnout for Jeremy Bray coming in specially from Didcot to talk about their church-planting experiences.
Went to bed with the realisation that some people will be calling it '7/7' from now on (and they are, I noticed in the online news this morning), and the fact that every birthday I have from now on I'll be reminded of the terrible events in London yesterday. That might sound a bit self-centred, for which I apologise - it must be awful for people whose birthday is 11th September.
Actually what angers me most about yesterday was the fact that the G8, poised and ready (I assume) to do good with regard to the world's poor and climate, will almost certainly have a different focus and be distracted by the bombs. I pray it carries on as planned.
At 7:23 am ,
Sarah said...
Yep, I thought exactly that when I first saw the use of 7/7 in a headline somewhere. Glad you had a nice day off together, anyway.
At 1:50 pm ,
Nikki Mayfield said...
It's odd how events like yesterday's can hijack special days. I remember that the day I came out of hospital after having Joy I heard for the first time about the Omagh bombing - having being in limbo I'd not heard a thing.
Whilst it can seem a bit hard and upsetting to share a special day with a horrible tradegdy, I think it is a good thing to remember these terrible events, in order to keep us striving for all that's good.
Oh, and on a lighter note... can I put us on the waiting list for a borrow of Alias series 3?????????
At 4:15 pm ,
Esther said...
Hi Heidi/Mark
Is there any day this week I could come round and visit, also drop off a couple of birthday cards I acquired in Exeter and then forgot about?
If not no problem, I'll send them over some other time!
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