
The thoughts, random or otherwise, of Mark and Heidi Thomas. Sometimes possibly Caleb and Elodie, depending on how much sense they are making.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Oh my goodness!

Caleb woke up at midnight last night, just as we were about to fall in to bed. It appears all our attempts to keep his room dark are overly successful as any time he wakes up in the night he's inconsolable. It seems we may have to go down the nightlight route- something I've been resisting but probably more environmentally sound than leaving the bathroom light on all night. I don't care if it means I get to sleep- I'm not staying up til 4am again in the near future, it feels like my brain may well slide out of my ears...


  • At 11:57 am , Blogger Sarah said...

    not sure I understand - so he's upset because it's too dark?

    anyway, sorry to hear you had a rough night.

  • At 7:48 pm , Blogger praynlady said...

    Is the lack of sleep what's keeping you from your game blog. I am missing the questions.
    Come back! heehee
    The night light does work. I have a two year old and we bought (at Christmas clearance time, a way marked down Christmas tree angel with the fiber optics, it lights up beautifully and she loves to watch it. Maybe you could find something a little more boyish but it does work. Hope you get some rest, God Bless, Colleen

  • At 10:11 pm , Blogger The inimitable Mrs T. said...

    Yea, he freaks out because it's pitch black in his room once the sun goes down.
    He's such a good sleeper that it's never been an issue before, but lately with all the tooing and froing with family and visitors he's been quite un-settled.
    There have been one or two indications that he might not like the dark but until this night-waking we've been able to keep a lid on it.

  • At 10:42 pm , Blogger Alana said...

    I was never fond of the dark myself - in fact even now if Ben's away I like to sleep with the landing light on (guess it's a security thing). Sleeping with the light on never did me any harm - twitch, twitch!

  • At 11:10 pm , Blogger The inimitable Mrs T. said...

    Well I like it really dark when I'm going to sleep, and we have those stupid panes above our doors so we can see all the light coming through. Lose-lose. Sigh...

  • At 11:19 pm , Blogger Alana said...

    Why do you think they put those panes above the doors? I've never really understood that?

    Just tring to think of some visually aesthetic way of covering them but all that's coming to mind is black sugar paper (like at school) - think the wine has addled my brain!

  • At 12:18 pm , Blogger Sarah said...

    We got Joe a little plug in night light - so dim it just takes the blackness away, but not so bright that it would keep anyone else awake. Think it was only 2.99 in B&Q or somewhere, in fact, you could have it if you can wait a couple of weeks, I could give it to someone at 28:18 for you if you like?

  • At 2:42 pm , Blogger The inimitable Mrs T. said...

    Well we've got one that Nikki passed on ages ago actually- I used it for night feeds when I was getting feeding established with Caleb- but I think it might be a bit bright, we'll see...


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