The gospel according to... Lego?!
Some of you might have seen this site before, but its definitely worth a second look!

The thoughts, random or otherwise, of Mark and Heidi Thomas. Sometimes possibly Caleb and Elodie, depending on how much sense they are making.
At 2:10 pm ,
Nikki Mayfield said...
We already have the Brick Bible! (by the same people, just made into a book!)
At 3:27 pm ,
Sarah said...
yep, I've seen it, too. Could never decide whether I thought it was genuinely good, just funny, or a mickey-take!
At 12:02 pm ,
Nikki Mayfield said...
I know what you mean Sarah, not sure myself.
At 12:40 pm ,
The inimitable Mrs T. said...
I think he's genuine- the attention to detail, and the picture for EVERY verse suggests a certain commitment that maybe wouldn't be worth the effort if it was just a mick-take. But Mark pointed out that it's hardly going to convert anyone, and that maybe this guy is spending just a little too much of his life on something that's actually pretty throw-away.
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