
The thoughts, random or otherwise, of Mark and Heidi Thomas. Sometimes possibly Caleb and Elodie, depending on how much sense they are making.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Is she good?

I detest this question. With Caleb it never bothered me because I could give the appropriate response, and sing his praises. Since having Elodie, I've realised that it's a remarkably unfair thing to say. When I said that I didn't believe that any baby was 'bad' my f-i-law said I had a pretty dodgy concept of original sin but I think he didn't get what I was trying to communicate.
What people really mean when they ask this question is does she feed well, is she quiet, is she happy and does she sleep through. Well, Elodie has been a lot harder to get to know/figure out than Caleb was, she's not as compliant, she's more restless and she doesn't feed (or digest!) well so far. The thing is, she cries a lot because she's often got uncomfortable innards, she doesn't sleep too well because often she doesn't feel well, she is hit, bitten and screamed at, forcibly woken (day and night) - all this and she has to compete for our attention which Caleb never had to, obviously. So if she's sicky, she doesn't sleep through and she cries a lot she's not being 'bad' she's being a baby! My daughter may not be easy to look after, but she's easy to love, and as she grows up I hope I can always communicate to her the same attitude that God has towards me: he tells me I'm righteous even though I sin. So, Elodie, you will undoubtedly choose to do the odd bad thing in your life but you will always be my 'good' girl.


  • At 5:29 am , Blogger Addie said...

    I hate this question too! My first child was actually a little more difficult than the other two. I think it's a little easier when your first time around is tough. You're a little more prepared when the others come around. (I've often wondered how hard it was for Mary to have baby Jesus before having any other children!)
    Anyhoo, I hate this question because how they are as babies is no real reflection of their true personality. I thought my oldest would be a rebel but she's actually a very play-by-the-rules type of kid.
    By the way - I love the name Elodie. It's beautiful!

  • At 7:45 am , Blogger Sarah said...

    Nice post, Heidi, from start to finish. See you Sunday - we're looking forward to it.

  • At 12:09 am , Blogger wend said...

    it is a strange question isn't it, you know what they mean, but it is a strange question to be asked.


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