I Am- A child of God; a child of my parents; a sister; a wife; a mother; an auntie; a lousy cook; a good singer; 'pale & interesting'; loved; less organised than I would like; embarassed by my whole grunge phase; constantly amazed by my kids; frazzled; a perfectionist; interested in Egyptology, UFOlogy, movies, reading, and the big wide world... and I'm a whole lot of other things too
I want- to experience the richness of life and of God's creation, with my family, as fully as possible
I wish - is a dangerous thing to say!
I miss - spontaneity, sleep, cinemas, grown-up conversations, (and being a size 8/10!)
I hear - noise a lot earlier in the morning than I would like
I wonder - what the baby I miscarried is like
I regret - not learning to drive when I was 17
I am not- ever going to go to a Disney theme park
I dance - actually, never- I'm
completely graceless
I sing - at every opportunity, and very LOUDLY
I cry - a stupid amount more than is normal, and a surprising amount for such a cynic!
I am not always - 'all there'
I make - a big fuss about getting up. EVERY morning.
I write - veeerrry slooooowlllly, partly coz I overthink
everything, but I write like
me and no-one else
I need - some peace of mind!
I should - clean the house and think about dinner, instead of blogging
I finish - everything a lot later than I anticipate I will (this for instance!)