
The thoughts, random or otherwise, of Mark and Heidi Thomas. Sometimes possibly Caleb and Elodie, depending on how much sense they are making.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Does it look at all like me?

Hmm, it's meant to be a mini Heidi, but for some reason I'm posting as Mark!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Elodie's Birthday

Well, it's been a bit more low-key than last Sunday when Caleb had his celebrations, but Elodie seems to have enjoyed herself today, and wasn't too obsessed with the wrapping paper to make us wonder why we had bothered! It was a bit tricky convincing her brother that, in fact, she should play with her presents before he did, but he got there eventually, and was keen on giving her his present too. And Elodie very much enjoyed her birthday tea with cousins Joy and Elias - as evidenced by the mess left after her no.1 cake was sampled...

So thanks to everyone for the gifts they either sent or got to us some other way. Of course, there are some who gave wonderful gifts with "tunes" to Elodie that will be the bane of OUR lives until the batteries run down. And don't get replaced...

Anyway, here's a few pics:

Monday, May 15, 2006

Thanks Sarah...

...a few more minutes wasted. Still, a fairly accurate result I guess!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Party preparation pics

I thought people might like to see the work that Caleb put into his own party!

Making Dinosaur footprints - Baking Dino cookies - Approving the cake

Monday, May 08, 2006

Caleb's birthday

What a completely exhausting day! He was out in the garden, in his pyjamas and coat, playing with his present before 8 am - we had to drag him back in for breakfast (chocolate chip muffins) which we ate whilst listening to this Great Big God cd (his present 'from' Elodie) which they both LOVED, and had a good old boogie to in their chairs.

The surprise hit present of the day was an England t-shirt and cap from a lady in our church- he insisted on putting them on straight away, so no hassle getting him dressed for a change. Of course, we're not a footie family, and we're a bit French/Belgian and Welsh as well as English, so we don't make a huge deal about football Tournaments and things- he just likes them coz they're bright red, I think!

We somehow managed to have a fairly relaxed morning until the party, which went without a hitch, and Caleb seemed to enjoy himself - which is the important thing. Most important of all, he finally got his hands on the cake which had been torturing him since Saturday lunch-time! I think on future birthdays we might not combine family visits and kids parties, though. Although it was quite chill, we just thought that there were too many people around- more specifically, too many grown-ups(!)

By some miracle we managed to get everybody out of the house and things back to something like normal in time to make it out for church in the afternoon. Thankfully it was one of our Family Fun afternoons, so there was no pressure to 'be spiritual' or for the kids to be quiet, coz I think that would have been a stretch. It was a nice afternoon, even though Caleb freaked out a bit when everybody sang Happy Birthday- strange boy!

All in all I think the day was a success in that Caleb enjoyed himself and was fussed over enough to feel special, and I was very impressed by how calm and grown-up he was all day. I got a bit sentimental in the morning when, as I watched him digging in the sand, the sun burst through the clouds at just about the time he was born, and shone on my big three-year-old-boy.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Since I was nominated...

I Am- A child of God; a child of my parents; a sister; a wife; a mother; an auntie; a lousy cook; a good singer; 'pale & interesting'; loved; less organised than I would like; embarassed by my whole grunge phase; constantly amazed by my kids; frazzled; a perfectionist; interested in Egyptology, UFOlogy, movies, reading, and the big wide world... and I'm a whole lot of other things too

I want- to experience the richness of life and of God's creation, with my family, as fully as possible

I wish - is a dangerous thing to say!

I miss - spontaneity, sleep, cinemas, grown-up conversations, (and being a size 8/10!)

I hear - noise a lot earlier in the morning than I would like

I wonder - what the baby I miscarried is like

I regret - not learning to drive when I was 17

I am not- ever going to go to a Disney theme park

I dance - actually, never- I'm completely graceless

I sing - at every opportunity, and very LOUDLY

I cry - a stupid amount more than is normal, and a surprising amount for such a cynic!

I am not always - 'all there'

I make - a big fuss about getting up. EVERY morning.

I write - veeerrry slooooowlllly, partly coz I overthink everything, but I write like me and no-one else

I need - some peace of mind!

I should - clean the house and think about dinner, instead of blogging

I finish - everything a lot later than I anticipate I will (this for instance!)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Holy toast Batman!

I was more amused than was probably neccessary to discover this today (read the little blurb and you won't be able to help yourself having a giggle.) A couple of people we know can expect these for Christmas!