Since I was nominated...
I Am- A child of God; a child of my parents; a sister; a wife; a mother; an auntie; a lousy cook; a good singer; 'pale & interesting'; loved; less organised than I would like; embarassed by my whole grunge phase; constantly amazed by my kids; frazzled; a perfectionist; interested in Egyptology, UFOlogy, movies, reading, and the big wide world... and I'm a whole lot of other things too
I want- to experience the richness of life and of God's creation, with my family, as fully as possible
I wish - is a dangerous thing to say!
I miss - spontaneity, sleep, cinemas, grown-up conversations, (and being a size 8/10!)
I hear - noise a lot earlier in the morning than I would like
I wonder - what the baby I miscarried is like
I regret - not learning to drive when I was 17
I am not- ever going to go to a Disney theme park
I dance - actually, never- I'm completely graceless
I sing - at every opportunity, and very LOUDLY
I cry - a stupid amount more than is normal, and a surprising amount for such a cynic!
I am not always - 'all there'
I make - a big fuss about getting up. EVERY morning.
I write - veeerrry slooooowlllly, partly coz I overthink everything, but I write like me and no-one else
I need - some peace of mind!
I should - clean the house and think about dinner, instead of blogging
I finish - everything a lot later than I anticipate I will (this for instance!)
I want- to experience the richness of life and of God's creation, with my family, as fully as possible
I wish - is a dangerous thing to say!
I miss - spontaneity, sleep, cinemas, grown-up conversations, (and being a size 8/10!)
I hear - noise a lot earlier in the morning than I would like
I wonder - what the baby I miscarried is like
I regret - not learning to drive when I was 17
I am not- ever going to go to a Disney theme park
I dance - actually, never- I'm completely graceless
I sing - at every opportunity, and very LOUDLY
I cry - a stupid amount more than is normal, and a surprising amount for such a cynic!
I am not always - 'all there'
I make - a big fuss about getting up. EVERY morning.
I write - veeerrry slooooowlllly, partly coz I overthink everything, but I write like me and no-one else
I need - some peace of mind!
I should - clean the house and think about dinner, instead of blogging
I finish - everything a lot later than I anticipate I will (this for instance!)
At 3:53 pm ,
praynlady said...
Howdy, sorry it took me so long to get back here! That was great. Now you have gotten all of that off your shoulders you should feel better about yourself! lol How have you guys been? Have you heard of the Thursday 13 blogroll? If you have time, go to my blog, read down (or scroll) till you get the the Thursday 13, sign in and then make one of your own. It's a great way to meet people and a great way to get people to your blog! I think the women are pretty great! (well most of them anyway)! Have a great weekend.
God Bless,
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