
The thoughts, random or otherwise, of Mark and Heidi Thomas. Sometimes possibly Caleb and Elodie, depending on how much sense they are making.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Veggie Rocks

Just wanted to recommend this CD to readers (especially christian ones with kids); we've had it for some time and it was a while before I discovered all its joys, but I now love listening to almost the whole album. Christian rock & pop bands perform versions of songs from VeggieTales videos. That's the simple concept, and the results are brilliant for the most part. Leaving aside Rebecca St James opening Veggie Theme (I've never rated her highly) and Audio Adrenaline's somewhat dirgy take on The Hairbrush Song (surprising - we love them normally), most of these are fantastic updates of veggie faves, both silly and spiritual. I was always sceptical about Superchic[k] before listening to this, but it totally turned me onto them and we have both enjoyed listening to lots of their back catalogue as a result. Their version of The Water Buffalo Song includes the bizarre exchange "Look, there's one!" "Nope, that's a dog", which more or less has me in stitches every time. Paul Colman's spin on Madam Blueberry's "I'm So Blue" is better than the whole of the video from which it springs, and Relient K's "Pirates..." is also great fun. Oh, and of course, Caleb and Elodie just LOVE rockin' out to the whole thing, so it must be good!


  • At 8:35 am , Blogger Nikki Mayfield said...

    We have this too - So much silliness and fun. Oh, and in fact we are huge fans of the 'Hairbrush' cover!

  • At 11:03 am , Blogger Sarah said...

    Yeah, we have it too. But I must confess I prefer the original veggie version ;)

  • At 2:17 pm , Blogger Mim said...

    Argh, I wanted to email you but I don't seem to have your email address! Anyway, you're invited to a birthday barbecue at ours on Sunday 30th April. Let us know if you fancy it!

  • At 4:44 am , Blogger praynlady said...

    Kaylee absolutely loves the veggie tales movies and songs. If allowed, she'd watch them for about 4 hours straight then replay them all over again. I will definitely have to get this cd. For her or for myself I am unsure, but I know we will both enjoy it!
    Thanks for the info!


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