
The thoughts, random or otherwise, of Mark and Heidi Thomas. Sometimes possibly Caleb and Elodie, depending on how much sense they are making.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Competition

Having a mostly pleasant Easter weekend, with trips to the zoo, the garden centre and church for breakfast already undertaken. Elodie enjoyed her first Easter chocolate today, and made considerably less mess than her brother did two years ago.

Caleb's spots are fading and his mood is improving; the prospect of going back to school and dealing with various issues that have been unknowingly hanging over me is not a pleasant one right now. But I will try to enjoy tomorrow anyway. Doctor Who last night was good fun in my opinion, if a strange one to put at the start of the new series: a body swap story in the first episode? Odd choice, but i did think that Billie Piper pulled it off fantastically. David Tennant is brilliant so far, and hints of a dark side are coming through already. "I am the highest moral authority in the universe" is just screaming for a come-uppance, which is something the Doctor rarely experiences. Should be good. And I just love the fact that Heidi enjoys watching with me. It was such a possibility that she might not be engaged by it last year, but she loved it (despite concerns about it's suitability for young viewers).

Anyway, to the competition. We added two new fishy members to our family yesterday, and they don't have names yet. The photos aren't uploading I'm afraid, but please suggest names, as Caleb's only intelligible suggestion so far is 'Dimetrodon', which is a little too jurassic for our likin. One is black and orange and the other silvery-white and orange. I'm good at descriptions, aren't I?


  • At 9:24 pm , Blogger Sarah said...

    We have another week of holiday left! And Steve & I missed Dr Who so need a repeat, but our cable isn't plugged in at the moment ... aargh!

    What is wrong with Dimetrodon, I ask you? Sounds like a great name for a fish, to me. I suggest Brontosaur for the other one ;)

    Will get the kids to work on some more sensible suggestions tomorrow but I'm not making any promises!

  • At 9:25 pm , Blogger Sarah said...

    oh, and I meant to say, those photos of Elodie are cute, she's really changed since the last time you posted photos/I saw her. It's the hair, I think :)

  • At 3:28 pm , Blogger The inimitable Mrs T. said...

    People still keep saying she looks like BEN though!

  • At 4:22 pm , Blogger Nikki Mayfield said...

    Was not impressed with Dr Who the other night - just REALLY wish they'd ditch Rose - she SUCKS!

    Don & Rex for the fish (DimetraDON, and guess the other!)

    Cute choccy girl - enjoy her eggs while you still can............

  • At 11:05 pm , Blogger Sarah said...

    tbh I think she looks more like *me* as a baby than Ben! not sure if that's better or worse though!

  • At 4:41 am , Blogger praynlady said...

    She is getting so big. She is absolutely adorable though! Glad you had a pretty good Easter. Ours was great.
    Blessings & Hugs,


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