Privileged parenting
When you have a newborn you spend a lot of time feeding it, and it can be a challenge keeping yourself amused, I know people who read but I find that too absorbing which means it doesn't feel like a very personal or 'bonding' thing. Funnily enough, Caleb often brings me books for us to read together, which is nice because it feels like family time somehow, even though I'm unsure that Elodie is really gaining from it quite yet! I was talking to Mum about this a couple of weeks ago and she reminded me that until her fourth daughter there was no tv on in the daytime or for those middle-of-the-night feeds. This got me thinking about the things I take for granted in my parenting, things that I only have access to because I live in a western country in the 21st century. For instance, I thank God for: double glazing, nappies (disposable ones, no less!), the park, The Muppets, batteries, electric fans, George Lucas, stairgates, vaccines (yes, even the MMR), bottles, Gina Ford's routines, the microwave, Pixar, our garden, Mothercare, the swimming pool, the internet, hospitals, dummies, our bin men, the washing machine, Veggie Tales, supermarkets, the car, books, CDs...
That probably seems materialistic, but I'm grateful!
I also feel incredibly blessed to have a loving family of my own and brilliant in-laws, and a great church, and that God gave us music, and the seaside, and flowers, and cats, and that he made people start out as babies not just more people...
I'm gushing! Feel free to add more ofyour own.
That probably seems materialistic, but I'm grateful!
I also feel incredibly blessed to have a loving family of my own and brilliant in-laws, and a great church, and that God gave us music, and the seaside, and flowers, and cats, and that he made people start out as babies not just more people...
I'm gushing! Feel free to add more ofyour own.
At 5:33 pm ,
Sarah said...
am I allowed to take away some?! Disposable nappies and Gina Ford's routines, for a start! Managed without dummies but now have thumbsuckers to wean, so I'll allow you that one as I reckon it's better in the long run even though I hate them. Stairgates, never used those either, they just got in the way, but each to his own, eh?
Give me terry nappies with a variety of beautiful nappy wraps (saw some the other day that were almost worth having another baby for!) and my *own* routines (I always was a rebellious old so and so), any day of the week. Apart from that I'm grateful for many of the same things as you!
And thanks for your encouraging comment on my blog today :)
At 6:58 pm ,
The inimitable Mrs T. said...
Well, we deliberately went for dummies- it's the thing of 'you can take a dummy away, but the thumb stays put.' I had the most horrible teeth because I couldn't stop sucking my fingers, and I'm sure I made our whole household miserable whenever I had my brace tightened!
As for Gina Ford, I knew that would invite indignation from some quarters but we found it really helpful having something to aim for, and once we established a routine for Caleb we could manipulate it- and predict his behaviour whenever we wanted to break from it. I'm not sure Elodie is going to be as compliant.
At 7:43 pm ,
The inimitable Mrs T. said...
I often feel guilty that I haven't given 'real' nappies a go. Certainly, if I had anticipated giving in on having more children I would have made the effort with Caleb. I've currently got enough on my plate trying to figure out how to juggle the two of them without adding a new system of doing things (and more washing) into the mix. I may reconsider when things have settled down a bit- it's seems crazy to recycle as much as we do and still chuck nappies into a landfill site every week.
At 5:05 am ,
Sarah said...
well, fwiw, I was only converted to real nappies with abigail, and still felt it was worth it - you can always re-sell cloth nappies very easily on ebay/ukparents so they would never be a bad buy even if you didn't have any more babies yourselves.
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