
The thoughts, random or otherwise, of Mark and Heidi Thomas. Sometimes possibly Caleb and Elodie, depending on how much sense they are making.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Sunday Fun

Rather than going down the traditional route of a weekly morning service, our church has a rolling program of events that is friendly to Christians and non-Christians of all ages. Once a month we have breakfast together in someone's home with a little bit of family-friendly worship and stuff, once a month we have CKC- a kids club open to anyone in Carterton, yesterday it was one of our regular 'family fun' afternoons. These have been pretty popular with our friends who aren't 'churched,' and some of the families whose kids come along to CKC. Even I always enjoy them!

There's usually a combination of table-top activities (e.g. Jenga, a quiz) and front-led team games or tournaments (such as yesterday's three-legged race) with a craft activity and toys for the kids. Plus free cake, and we end with some sort of presentation that has some spiritual content- yesterday was a puppet show of the parable of the lost sheep that had the whole room rapt! It was based on the Nick Butterworth re-telling that just happens to be from Caleb's favourite book, so there was a little audience participation from my son! (We all know it by heart.)

Yesterday's funfair theme was particularly fun, and I even remembered to take the camera, so I can post blurry evidence of the girls winning the tug-of-war (all 3 goes!)

Please note the text wrapped round the photos- it took me AGES!


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