The cost of our grocery shopping has been creeping up and up lately, what can I say- I comfort eat as it is, but recently food is the new sleep! So I want your scrummiest budget recipes please. I know I can look online/ in our millions of cookbooks but I want things that are tried and tested. So, what's your end of the month speciality?
At 2:23 pm ,
wend said...
i have one for corned beef pasta so will stick it on my blog, i can't stand corned beef but this is really yummy
At 3:26 pm ,
Sarah said...
sorry, can't help on this one, we don't do end of month recipes, and we're *always* spending too much in Sainsbury's. Veggie soups are good at this time of year though?
At 5:45 pm ,
The inimitable Mrs T. said...
Oh c'mon, everyone has those days where they have to concoct something out of an onion, 3 sausages and a packet of angel delight (or something along those lines!)
At 9:55 pm ,
Simone said...
Save up all the left-over veggies(including some potatoes)from during the week, cook and cut up some sausages (or something along those lines!) get some stock, chuck all but the sausages in the blender, add as much milk as stock; viola, soup a la delicious! If you're feeling really keen (like me ;) make your own stock with the bones left over from your chicken roast from last sunday.
At 6:28 pm ,
Alana said...
Well I have FINALLY got round to starting my food blog (thanks for a virtual kick up the bum with your post - even though unintentional!). So you can find my new blog (My Favourite Food Is Seconds) with my suggestion for Ham pasta here:
At 4:45 pm ,
praynlady said...
I have two really great and REALLY simple recipes that you can make in minutes and freeze left over for another day. They are really simple but one of them uses alot of ingredients (all in cans) so it would take up space. I will write them up and email them to you if I can. One is for a Taco Soup (delicious-I call it Texan Delight) and the other is one I made up Called Cheesy, Sour Cream Chicken. 5 ingr. and 30 minutes from start to finish. Let me know if it is ok to email them to you and then if you want to you can figure out how to condense them for a blog. I am tooo tired to think. But I always have time for food! heehee
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