Try this too...
Crazy, stupid quiz which gets the right results! I really should be working!!!!
The thoughts, random or otherwise, of Mark and Heidi Thomas. Sometimes possibly Caleb and Elodie, depending on how much sense they are making.
At 11:28 pm ,
wend said...
managed to stump it on my 2nd go LOL
At 11:31 pm ,
The inimitable Mrs T. said...
Wow, what did you pick?
At 11:37 pm ,
Alana said...
Do you use stumble? I "stumbled" upon this site a few weeks ago and have only managed to stump it once.
At 10:22 am ,
wend said...
tony from men behaving badly, it got the right show but the wrong person
At 8:52 pm ,
The inimitable Mrs T. said...
Well, Alana, what did you flummox it with?
I've chosen things that only like 4 other people have or whatever, but I think I'm too soft on it and think of programmes that I'm certain they have in America- maybe I'm playing it safe?
At 6:21 pm ,
Alana said...
I can't remember now - I'm just trying to think who it was? It was deffo a sit-com character (don't know that many dictators!) - if I remember I'll come back and post it!
At 7:00 pm ,
Alana said...
Got it again with Janet from Two Pints of Lager.
At 7:07 pm ,
Alana said...
And Olive from Veronica's Closet - I'm on fire tonight - LOL! This begins to get addictive though - must close window! Oh and I've remembered who I originally stumped it with - Dharma from Dharma and Greg.
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