Our holiday plans
My French has taken a nose-dive, and we haven't had a holiday for years, so we've been investigating villas in Nice. Found this gorgeous one and have made enquiries for August (sadly of course we HAVE to fit in with school holidays). Hopefully it will be a great time, especially as Nikki & Robin & the kids are planning to be with us! Fantastique!
At 2:55 pm ,
Sarah said...
Looks lovely :) I'm hoping to arrange a house swap in Paris in August, we're bound by school holidays too now of course! If I don't manage Paris maybe we'll come to Nice as well - are you going to visit Jacques? and which dates are you going? If I can't arrange a house exchange we'd have to camp, but if you didn't mind us gatecrashing your venue it might be fun ...?
At 6:42 pm ,
wend said...
looks lovely
At 8:15 pm ,
Mr Thomas said...
That sounds like a great plan, Sarah. We've asked to book it for the week beginning 14th August, as that was when they said it was free from, but haven't heard back for definite yet. Will let you know!
At 10:59 am ,
Nikki Mayfield said...
Oooooh, sun - I just can't wait!!!!!! It looks GORGEOUS!
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