Caleb's lesson for Sunday was...
...Mummy will NOT be impressed to wake up and find you smearing poo over yourself and the sofa she is napping on!
The thoughts, random or otherwise, of Mark and Heidi Thomas. Sometimes possibly Caleb and Elodie, depending on how much sense they are making.
At 4:06 pm ,
Mim said...
I can well imagine Mummy would not be impressed with that!
At 6:50 pm ,
Sarah said...
EW! definitely not on the sofa *you* are napping on! Yukky yukky two year olds, where do they get their ideas from?! Anna did exactly the same thing one day, that was when we started putting nappies and sleepsuits on back to front to stop her getting into them!
At 6:56 pm ,
The inimitable Mrs T. said...
Caleb's too ingenious- he's worked out that if he fills them REAL good gravity will do most of the work for him- he doesn't even bother to undo the tabs, just slides them off. The boy must have no hips!
At 11:04 pm ,
wend said...
oh Heidi I can just picture it, we never had poo smeared but we did have the poo pied piper trail on the way up to the bathroom
At 4:22 pm ,
Nikki Mayfield said...
Eeew Caleb! This is not one we had - the best one Joy did was to poop on the rug, and then step in it and trail poo all over the floor. 5 minutes before nursery of course.
And what's more - she remembers doing it - uck!
Poor you Heidi!
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