
The thoughts, random or otherwise, of Mark and Heidi Thomas. Sometimes possibly Caleb and Elodie, depending on how much sense they are making.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

New Year celebrations etc.

This muddles things up a bit, coz Mark's posted about Valentines day already, but skipping back a bit I ought to mention our weekend (especially for those who wonder why we weren't at church on Sunday- as if anybody noticed!) Our very special friends Dave and Rhiannon, Sam, and the newly-added Oscar came for the weekend so that we could 'do' New Year. We had a lovely time just doing those holiday things that we all missed out on through everybody being ill. By 'those holiday things' I just mean eating and drinking A LOT and sitting around chatting and laughing together. It really felt like a holiday, and despite almost no sleep for anybody due to 2 babies and an excitable toddler, we all had a lovely time. Tiring as it always is when they visit (even without all the bed-hopping for those under 3s, we always stay up stupidly late) it does make me long for those days when they just lived upstairs. I miss them!
Mark scored loads of points with me for generally keeping on top of tidying and meal-preparation while they were here (and letting me lie-in on Sunday), then on Monday he emptied our garage into the car and went to the tip- so with that AND taking me to Ikea yesterday he had one happy Valentine!


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