Another night in the tent?
So it's apocalyptically hot again this evening. I've been evaluating some online teaching resources produced by a certain company (they're generally rubbish), getting warmer and warmer in my leather chair and becoming more and more certain that sleep will not be easy. Listened to the radio today, and Jeremy Vine was discussing this very problem, and apparently the secret is to have a shower, not dry yourself and go to bed wet. Heidi's having none of it! And of course, she can't get to sleep without me there, and i can't get to sleep upstairs full stop.
But that's boring. Of vaguely more interest - current cultural influences on my brain:
But that's boring. Of vaguely more interest - current cultural influences on my brain:
- bought a CD the other day called "Cosmosonica: Crazy Covers vol 1". Best entries: Scissor Sisters doing Franz Ferdinand's 'Take me out' and the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain doing 'Dy-Na-Mi-Tee'. Class.
- am currently reading Fatherland by Robert Harris. Fascinating re-imagination of the world after Germany won WWII, and a detective mystery in Berlin of the 60s. Brilliant.
- DVDs rented recently from Lovefilm: 'I am Sam' - made us both weep profusely. Highly recommended drama about a man with learning difficulties (I think that's the politically correct phrase these days) trying to bring up his daughter; possibly a bit too emotional when you've just had a new baby. 'Open Water' - NEVER EVER WATCH THIS. I can't express quite how poor a film it is, and we stuck it out right to its uselessly limp 80-minute ending. From the trailers it looks like a fun shark attack movie. It's not. With the exception of a couple of nice shots (split-second shots, I hasten to add), it's a pile of poo that should never have been made into a film.
- phew, got that off my chest. Also discovering through listening to them very loudly in the car quite how good the most recent albums by Tobymac and Ian Eskelin are (Welcome to Diverse City and Save the Humans respectively)
That'll do, pig.
At 11:29 pm ,
Sarah said...
You are right about Open Water - kept waiting for something to happen, but no. Poor indeed. Will have to watch 'I am Sam', will add it to our list.
It sounds like you need a fan in the bedroom (on your side of the bed!). Could be money well spent, the rate you two are going! Hope you get some sleep anyway.
At 11:36 pm ,
Sarah said...
And your last line, rofl, I used to say that to the kids all the time during our Babe phase ...
At 8:02 am ,
Mr Thomas said...
We have a fan! And it is on my side! It even has a timer thing on it so we don't have to get up & turn it off. But I found myself still wide awake at Elodie's first feed (1:30am) last night. So I let Heidi get sorted (she had been snoring happily), went off to my tent, chucked the cats out and slept very well until 6:30.
Btw, what's rofl?
At 11:45 am ,
Sarah said...
sorry. rofl = rolling on the floor laughing!
I'll get you introduced to a few more in due course ...
Air conditioning unit?
At 4:22 pm ,
Nikki Mayfield said...
Talking of films - seen Napoleon Dynamite? Hmmm, strangley watchable - and interestingly no swearing sex or other questionalbe content. Robin liked it enourmously... Nuffsed.
As for Robert Harris, I read 'Archangel' well before it was made for TV - I found it fizzled out as it went on...but was still far better than the TV offering!
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