Sleep? What sleep?
I unexpectedly spent the night apart from my husband last night. He was so tired after being up pretty much all night on Sunday that Mark put the tent up in the garden and slept out there. That's all very well for him but I find it really hard to get to sleep without him there! Then of course I'm woken up repeatedly by a hungry little Miss...
At 10:23 pm ,
Sarah said...
That is drastic. So, what tent have you got and are you going to Ashburnham in it? Wondering when I might get to meet Elodie - if you're not going we are going to have to come and visit soon, I think!
At 1:31 pm ,
The inimitable Mrs T. said...
We have one of those silly little space pod-looking things that you can't even stand up in. In my opinion it's no more than a garden toy! There's no chance of us all surviving a trip away in it (read into that what you will!) Caleb is phenomenally bad at sleeping anywhere but his own bed and Elodie is a pretty high maintenance chick so us going to Ashburham is not likely.
If you are available we're having Elodie's dedication on July 16th (a Saturday btw) and we'd love you guys to be there.
At 3:40 pm ,
Sarah said...
Oooh, thanks for telling me about that - we'd love to come, I'll try and arrange it :)
At 3:40 pm ,
Sarah said...
Um, what time will it be? Could we manage it in a day do you think?
At 11:02 pm ,
Mr Thomas said...
3pm for the dedication, with tea & cakes afterwards (which might change!)
At 11:31 pm ,
Sarah said...
Ooh, I like your photo, Mark :) And is Italian a clue?
At 11:31 pm ,
Sarah said...
Oh, and re: the dedication, in that case we will come for the day - will it be at Cote again?
At 8:05 am ,
Mr Thomas said...
Is Italian a clue to what?
Re: dedication, at the moment we plan to have it at our normal 'church' hall which we hire in Carterton, but it hasn't been booked yet so that may change.
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