
The thoughts, random or otherwise, of Mark and Heidi Thomas. Sometimes possibly Caleb and Elodie, depending on how much sense they are making.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Ever get those days you'd like to do over again?

After all the entertaining we've done over the last few weeks Caleb's finding this house-arrest for the sake of Elodie (and our sanity) rather mind-numbing, and he's definitely unimpressed by us abandoning him to do all this boring painting (and we haven't even started on his room yet.) Yesterday I did a lot of fobbing him off/keeping him happy with snacks because he didn't have a nap in the day, despite more disturbed night sleep. But I feel we shouldn't use food as a substitute for sleep too often, so today we pulled out all the stops and kept him as busy as possible to avoid those sleep-deprivation-induced tantrums. So we made jellyfish (that started out as Octopi!) and did a bit of painting. And he and Mark read lots of Dr. Seuss books together. Also this afternoon we put some batteries in R2-D2 and made Caleb's day- he was an unexpected hit with Elodie too!

So poor Mark had to finish painting over a veeeery loooong 12-hour period, but it's finally done and now our white hall and landing practically glow- all the cream/white gloss looks positively dirty in contrast but we're not even going to go there!

Now tell me: what do you see?
(Tee hee!)


  • At 8:09 am , Blogger Sarah said...

    some sort of monster!

    Octopus/jellyfish/squid thing looks great. Gotta feel for Caleb under house-arrest - one of the hardest things about having more than one child is that there is always a bit of having to compromise for the good of the whole family ...

    Is it working - the routine thing, I mean?

  • At 9:18 am , Blogger The inimitable Mrs T. said...

    Well, yes and no- she's always very happy on the days she does it, but she doesn't want to stick to it! She's started waking up (at least)twice in the night again which is throwing her off a bit too, coz she doesn't actually need two feeds so it's a bit funny.

  • At 9:19 am , Blogger The inimitable Mrs T. said...

    And Caleb should be used to hanging around the house really, when you don't drive there's only so much you can do in such a small town!

  • At 10:58 pm , Blogger praynlady said...

    a wide blue frog with big froggy legs. Too cute!

  • At 3:01 pm , Blogger The inimitable Mrs T. said...

    Hmmm, when I look at the picture I see a phoenix, but looking at the photo I definitly see a bat...


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