
The thoughts, random or otherwise, of Mark and Heidi Thomas. Sometimes possibly Caleb and Elodie, depending on how much sense they are making.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

It's been a while

Sorry to people who check our blog regularly; things have been a bit stupidly hectic around here for the past week or two, and chances to blog have been few and far-between. We have both been battling with a son who won't sleep at appropriate times (like now) and a daughter who is somewhat teething and miserable. I have also had a very busy week at work, with two parents' evenings in the same week (not that I can complain to the school - I fixed the date for one of them), one for Year 9 and one for a Christmas Markets trip I've been organising to Lille and Cologne. Should be a lot of fun.

And even though I'm knackered and fairly disillusioned with my job, God reminds me of the reasons why I do it. At Year 9 parents' evening:

Me: "So, Georgina, how are you feeling about your German at the moment?"
Georgina: "I'm loving it." (big grin)

With the prospect of teaching kids like that for another two years (as she's already decided she wants to do it for GCSE, and told me the other day that 'my teachers have decided my GCSEs for me'), how can I even think about leaving (and I have)?


  • At 7:32 am , Blogger Sarah said...

    because, I guess, those moments are few and far between. Hang in there, with all of it. Thinking of you xx.


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