Since we're sharing...
... I ought to also mention that Elodie finally has 2 little teeth poking through at the bottom- she's been teething for literally months with nothing to show for it, and I think they're all about to burst through in one go, I'm expecting two top ones shortly. More importantly, our little Princess has started to crawl instead of rolling everywhere. She looks oddly like a dying fish but she's getting the hang of it at least. We're thankful that she was such a 'roller' because the frustration at not being able to get those legs moving was making for a very screamy little Missy and it would have been ten times worse if she'd been completely immobile. It won't be long though before she's got lightning precision- I just don't think Caleb is prepared for this! I'm glad Christmas is coming and they're both going to have new toys to interest them- it might make for a smoother transition into the next stage if they've each got something to engage with seperatly...
I was reading Wendy's thoughts on how relaxed she is about the development of her third child. I've think about this a lot, because our kids' birthdays are only days apart which means I can draw a pretty straight line to what Caleb was doing at each particular stage- nightmarish when you're desperatly trying not to compare! His experience was typical of most first children I suppose, with both parents coaxing and encouraging every little developmental detail. Yet Elodie has for the most part done things exactly as he did- some things a bit later, some things ever so slightly sooner- despite having far less attention or enthusiasm. It certainly adds fuel to the nature-nurture debate when you have more than one child with the same genes- I can't imagine those teeth would have come through any faster if I'd read to her more! :-)
I was reading Wendy's thoughts on how relaxed she is about the development of her third child. I've think about this a lot, because our kids' birthdays are only days apart which means I can draw a pretty straight line to what Caleb was doing at each particular stage- nightmarish when you're desperatly trying not to compare! His experience was typical of most first children I suppose, with both parents coaxing and encouraging every little developmental detail. Yet Elodie has for the most part done things exactly as he did- some things a bit later, some things ever so slightly sooner- despite having far less attention or enthusiasm. It certainly adds fuel to the nature-nurture debate when you have more than one child with the same genes- I can't imagine those teeth would have come through any faster if I'd read to her more! :-)
At 1:21 pm ,
The inimitable Mrs T. said...
Sorry, I've just realised that this post is littered with grammatical and spelling errors. Too lazy to change them though.
At 1:31 pm ,
Sarah said...
Well at least you realised! rofl. We're really looking forward to seeing you and those two gorgeous children of yours, and the changes in both of them :)
At 8:12 am ,
wend said...
sounds great, and heh there'll be a mum who is convinved reading helped her kids teeth come through!!!!!!!!! LOL
WE all thought Caleb was lovely adn Sammy said Elodie was such a beautiful and sweet little girl!!!!
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