Heidi's 'Seven Things' list
*this post has been updated*
Argh! This took me ages!
Seven things to do before I die:
1. Go to Egypt
2. Go back to Corsica for a second honeymoon (for longer than four days this time!)
3. Sing in a smoke-filled nightclub, in a swanky dress
4. Find my vocation- as if motherhood wasn't enough!
5. See a revival (in Carterton?)
6. Not screw up my kids or my husband any more than is inevitable
7. Lose my baby tummy and become a hot young mama! (snigger)
Seven things I cannot do:
1. Maths (by about £35,000 apparently!)
2. Geography- even finding our car in a car park. I kid you not.
3. Say no to people, or chips
4. Give directions
5. Stop my hair and fingernails growing at a ridiculous rate, or even stop time altogether
6. A french plait
7. Survive on a small amount of sleep
Seven things that attract me to my spouse:
1. That he humours me
2. How great he is with kids, not just our own
3. His stamina and determination
4. You've got to love a French-speaker!
5. That he's big and tall and manly
6. His tenderness
7. His bottom (You asked!)
Seven things I say most often:
1. I'm going to count to three...
2. Sweeeeet
3. I need Coke/chips/chocolate
4. I'm knackered
5. If only.../I wish...
6. No way!
7. Right, so...
Seven Books I love:
1. I could probably fill this list with Frank perettis but I'll just say This Present Darkness
2. The Drowning People by Richard Mason
3. Annabel Karmel's complete baby and toddler mealplan
4. The Chronicles of Narnia
5. The NLT Bible
6. You are Special by Max Lucado
7. Trade Secrets
Seven Movies I would watch over and over again:
1. Aliens
2. The Usual Suspects
3. Hello Dolly
4. The Princess Bride
5. Terminator 2, although I already know it by heart!
6. Wait Until Dark, or anything else with Audrey in
7. Finding Nemo (and I frequently do!)
Seven people I would like to join in too:
1. Nikki
2. Robin
3. Alana
4. Colleen
5. Wendy
6. Ben
7. Marky of course- but his answers must be identical to mine, obviously! (tee hee)
Doesn't it take ages? And I didn't even get to add:
THINGS TO DO: See my kids grown up and fulfilled and best buddies with Jesus, win an Oscar(!), get Elodie to stop sucking her thumb, wear an Anni Faith original, get a degree- or at least some more A-levels, get my house cleaned to my satisfaction at least once, have a 50th wedding anniversary bash, get some more sleep
THINGS I CAN'T DO: Contemplate being pregnant ever again, dance, kick my Diet Coke habit, Psychology A-level, eat mushrooms, fish or eggs
BOOKS I LOVE: Dave Gorman's Googlewhack adventure, Anne Mckevitt's Designer know-how, Audrey Hepburn by Barry Paris, After the Fire Trilogy
THINGS I SAY: Caleb, what do you need to say to Elodie? I knew it! No/stop it/get out, I love you Caleb/Eds/Marky, I've been thinking...
MOVIES: Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Wedding Singer, Arachnaphobia, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Signs, White Christmas (always makes me cry happy tears), It's a wonderful life (ditto)
THINGS THAT ATTRACT ME TO MARK: His smile, his sense of humour, his Star Wars obsession, that he's neat, his rich relatives (tee hee)
Alana added Seven Albums I would listen to over and over again, so here are 7 of mine:
1. Tobymac- Momentum
2. Radiohead- The Bends
3. Eva Cassidy- Songbird
4. Maroon 5- Songs about Jane
5. Newsboys- Adoration: The worship album
6. Shirley Bassey- The diamond collection (how sad am I?!)
7. The Virgin Suicides soundtrack
Argh! This took me ages!
Seven things to do before I die:
1. Go to Egypt
2. Go back to Corsica for a second honeymoon (for longer than four days this time!)
3. Sing in a smoke-filled nightclub, in a swanky dress
4. Find my vocation- as if motherhood wasn't enough!
5. See a revival (in Carterton?)
6. Not screw up my kids or my husband any more than is inevitable
7. Lose my baby tummy and become a hot young mama! (snigger)
Seven things I cannot do:
1. Maths (by about £35,000 apparently!)
2. Geography- even finding our car in a car park. I kid you not.
3. Say no to people, or chips
4. Give directions
5. Stop my hair and fingernails growing at a ridiculous rate, or even stop time altogether
6. A french plait
7. Survive on a small amount of sleep
Seven things that attract me to my spouse:
1. That he humours me
2. How great he is with kids, not just our own
3. His stamina and determination
4. You've got to love a French-speaker!
5. That he's big and tall and manly
6. His tenderness
7. His bottom (You asked!)
Seven things I say most often:
1. I'm going to count to three...
2. Sweeeeet
3. I need Coke/chips/chocolate
4. I'm knackered
5. If only.../I wish...
6. No way!
7. Right, so...
Seven Books I love:
1. I could probably fill this list with Frank perettis but I'll just say This Present Darkness
2. The Drowning People by Richard Mason
3. Annabel Karmel's complete baby and toddler mealplan
4. The Chronicles of Narnia
5. The NLT Bible
6. You are Special by Max Lucado
7. Trade Secrets
Seven Movies I would watch over and over again:
1. Aliens
2. The Usual Suspects
3. Hello Dolly
4. The Princess Bride
5. Terminator 2, although I already know it by heart!
6. Wait Until Dark, or anything else with Audrey in
7. Finding Nemo (and I frequently do!)
Seven people I would like to join in too:
1. Nikki
2. Robin
3. Alana
4. Colleen
5. Wendy
6. Ben
7. Marky of course- but his answers must be identical to mine, obviously! (tee hee)
Doesn't it take ages? And I didn't even get to add:
THINGS TO DO: See my kids grown up and fulfilled and best buddies with Jesus, win an Oscar(!), get Elodie to stop sucking her thumb, wear an Anni Faith original, get a degree- or at least some more A-levels, get my house cleaned to my satisfaction at least once, have a 50th wedding anniversary bash, get some more sleep
THINGS I CAN'T DO: Contemplate being pregnant ever again, dance, kick my Diet Coke habit, Psychology A-level, eat mushrooms, fish or eggs
BOOKS I LOVE: Dave Gorman's Googlewhack adventure, Anne Mckevitt's Designer know-how, Audrey Hepburn by Barry Paris, After the Fire Trilogy
THINGS I SAY: Caleb, what do you need to say to Elodie? I knew it! No/stop it/get out, I love you Caleb/Eds/Marky, I've been thinking...
MOVIES: Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Wedding Singer, Arachnaphobia, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Signs, White Christmas (always makes me cry happy tears), It's a wonderful life (ditto)
THINGS THAT ATTRACT ME TO MARK: His smile, his sense of humour, his Star Wars obsession, that he's neat, his rich relatives (tee hee)
Alana added Seven Albums I would listen to over and over again, so here are 7 of mine:
1. Tobymac- Momentum
2. Radiohead- The Bends
3. Eva Cassidy- Songbird
4. Maroon 5- Songs about Jane
5. Newsboys- Adoration: The worship album
6. Shirley Bassey- The diamond collection (how sad am I?!)
7. The Virgin Suicides soundtrack
At 9:44 pm ,
wend said...
wow so cool, dont know if i can fit them all in comments thought will try once i can see them and leave comments LOL
At 9:59 pm ,
wend said...
OK before I die (1) Live by the sea (2) See my kids on fire for God and be able to support them in that and their families (3) Know God better than I do now (4) To know I made a difference fro God and did the stuff he asked me/us to do (even if we stuffed up at times) (5) learn to play an instrument profoiciently other than my voice (6) To develop my voice more (7) To be more in love with Andy than I am now
Next I can't do (1) sticking glitter and staying clean (2) cleaning the bathroom while pregnant (3) that bike/aerobics thing that nearly kills you (4) not feel sad when someone injures my kids (not just silly stuff you know serious stuff) (5) give up dr peppper (6) not check my email for a year (7) change a pooey nappy while morning sickness reigns and not be sick.
Attract me to my spouse (1) That he loves God (2) His love for me and the kids (3) HIs kind and genrous and forgiving nature (4) HIs sense of humour and his silly humour (5) He's gorgeous (6) his vision and persistent in what he knows God wants him to do (7) His perseverance and ability to work hard
I say most often (1) cool (2) that's fab (3) What did mummy say? (4) I love you too (5) Good girl/good boy (6) guys (7) fantastic
Seven Books (1) Any bible (2) Left behind books (just pick 1), (3) Disciplines of a beautiful woman by Anne ortlund (4) My utmost for his highest (5) one of the present darnkess ones by - FRank peretti (6) most Joyce Meyer books (7) Too busy not to pray - by that american guy
Seven movies (1) Beaches (2) Schindlers list (though technically its horrible to watch again) (3) Fried green tomatoes at the whistle stop cafe (4) Seven brides for seven brothers (5) Jean de florette (6) Manon des sources (7) Steel Magnolias
At 10:50 pm ,
Alana said...
As requested I have obliged and posted mine on my blog!
At 8:29 pm ,
Alana said...
Some of them were really hard to stick to seven weren't they? I found the things I want to do really hard - how could I limited that to seven when there are so many more things? Books I was really surprised I couldn't think of any books I really LOVED even though I love to read.
At 9:36 pm ,
Nikki Mayfield said...
I have done it, posted on my blog. I agree with Allie, some of them had me stumped, and for others 7 was nowhere near enough! (books got me too!)
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