
The thoughts, random or otherwise, of Mark and Heidi Thomas. Sometimes possibly Caleb and Elodie, depending on how much sense they are making.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Under the weather

Feeling a bit glum. After months of deliberation and indecision, it was finally going to be Caleb's first day at pre-school today, but he (along with the rest of us) has a cold and a cough so he'll have to wait another week! He's doing alright, he's just not well enough for a big day like that. Things are, on the whole, more manageable than they have been for some time, but 2 afternoons at pre-school is part of my strategy to get him good and tired, and get his sleeping back to normal- and I'm ready for that to happen as soon as it can! We gratefully took Wendy's advice to pop a stairgate on Caleb's bedroom door- we've even managed to borrow one that he can't open for now- and things are slowly improving. It's nice to feel I have my (snotty) boy back after enduring months of the tired and screamy little monster that took his place for a while...

Monday, January 16, 2006

Elodie Hits the Sales

Well look at her- the poor girl clearly has nothing to wear!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Those of you with Kiddleywinks...

...might be interested in the Early Learning Centre Book Amnesty between 5th - 31st January:

Take up to 5 used childrens books to any Early Learning Centre store, they will give them to (local) children who need them, and you get to buy up to 5 new books for 1/2 price!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Saw Mim's Hit Song generator and found this for me!

You Should Learn Japanese

You're cutting edge, and you are ready to delve into wacky Japanese culture.
From Engrish to eating contests, you're born to be a crazy gaijin. Saiko!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

WARNING! The following is a big moan!

The other day I had a bit of a rant at Mark about how people of our parents' generation roll their eyes every time you complain about any pregnancy niggle or how tired you are or anything about how tough it is to raise children. They say things like 'it's as if she's the first person in the world to have a baby' or 'I had to do it with six of you' / 'and I did it without a husband there' etc. But any time you ask for advice, encouragement or support they say things like 'it doesn't last forever' or 'you need to take it one day at a time' or my pet hate 'hang in there' so it can feel a bit like you are the first person in the world to have a baby, it's not as if there's someone there to tell you how to do it, and everyone who has done it is resting on their laurels because the slog is finally over for them. I think it might be a little bit to do with a fear that giving advice can seem pushy or overbearing or presumptious. I've found since having Caleb that the best thing to do with advice is lap every last bit up, then dump what you don't need, and hold on to the gems that come your way. I've borrowed SO many books and watched The House of Tiny Tearaways etc. and we're already doing it all! So here I say PLEASE GIVE ME ADVICE! I don't mind if you suggest the blindingly obvious, I don't care if you've never even touched a baby in your life, but doesn't it take a whole village to raise a child or something?
It's clear to most people who read our blog that we haven't slept a whole lot since having Elodie, obviously, but the worst thing is that Caleb stopped sleeping through the night in July, and since he's been in his 'big bed' that means that no-one sleeps. This week they got the flu, and I'm afraid I have run out of sympathy, I'm exhausted already and I have no physical or emotional reserves to draw on for the constant back-rubbing etc. Tell me, what do you do when you just feel like you can't do it anymore? How do you stop a Thomas from screaming his lungs out every time he disagrees with you? How do you get a 2 year old to sleep through the night again? How do you make the time to give your second child any attention? What will I do when Mark goes back to work?
We celebrated New Year by repeatedly settling our coughing, screaming, children back to sleep between 7pm and 1am before crashing ourselves, I'm not sure what time Caleb came and joined us. That sums up 2005 for us. I want 2006 to be better!

*Disclaimer* I ought to stress that our parents aren't meanies when we unburden ourselves to them, but they have been guilty of the vague kind of encouragements that don't really give you anything to hold on to!