Under the weather
Feeling a bit glum. After months of deliberation and indecision, it was finally going to be Caleb's first day at pre-school today, but he (along with the rest of us) has a cold and a cough so he'll have to wait another week! He's doing alright, he's just not well enough for a big day like that. Things are, on the whole, more manageable than they have been for some time, but 2 afternoons at pre-school is part of my strategy to get him good and tired, and get his sleeping back to normal- and I'm ready for that to happen as soon as it can! We gratefully took Wendy's advice to pop a stairgate on Caleb's bedroom door- we've even managed to borrow one that he can't open for now- and things are slowly improving. It's nice to feel I have my (snotty) boy back after enduring months of the tired and screamy little monster that took his place for a while...
At 8:11 am ,
Nikki Mayfield said...
Oh what a shame that his big day has had to be put off a bit. I hope he can get beter REALLY fast so that he can start next week all well and looking forwards to it!
Let us know how he does!
At 8:39 pm ,
wend said...
get well soon Caleb and glad the sleeping thing is working out.
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