
The thoughts, random or otherwise, of Mark and Heidi Thomas. Sometimes possibly Caleb and Elodie, depending on how much sense they are making.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Inspired by Praynlady

Take this test at Tickle

Your baby's theme song is The Itsy Bitsy Spider

What's Your Baby's Theme Song?

Brought to you by Tickle

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Bango... the only fish name we can agree on. I have given up caring, to be honest, Heidi thinks the other should be called Thingy (because when Caleb calls something Bango, that's what he means), and Caleb, as far as we know, still likes Dimetrodon. But that's silly. Which of course Bango and Thingy would not be. Bango is the black and gold one, apparently...

Monday, April 17, 2006


Thought this might make the Alias fans among you giggle.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Veggie Rocks

Just wanted to recommend this CD to readers (especially christian ones with kids); we've had it for some time and it was a while before I discovered all its joys, but I now love listening to almost the whole album. Christian rock & pop bands perform versions of songs from VeggieTales videos. That's the simple concept, and the results are brilliant for the most part. Leaving aside Rebecca St James opening Veggie Theme (I've never rated her highly) and Audio Adrenaline's somewhat dirgy take on The Hairbrush Song (surprising - we love them normally), most of these are fantastic updates of veggie faves, both silly and spiritual. I was always sceptical about Superchic[k] before listening to this, but it totally turned me onto them and we have both enjoyed listening to lots of their back catalogue as a result. Their version of The Water Buffalo Song includes the bizarre exchange "Look, there's one!" "Nope, that's a dog", which more or less has me in stitches every time. Paul Colman's spin on Madam Blueberry's "I'm So Blue" is better than the whole of the video from which it springs, and Relient K's "Pirates..." is also great fun. Oh, and of course, Caleb and Elodie just LOVE rockin' out to the whole thing, so it must be good!

Easter Competition

Having a mostly pleasant Easter weekend, with trips to the zoo, the garden centre and church for breakfast already undertaken. Elodie enjoyed her first Easter chocolate today, and made considerably less mess than her brother did two years ago.

Caleb's spots are fading and his mood is improving; the prospect of going back to school and dealing with various issues that have been unknowingly hanging over me is not a pleasant one right now. But I will try to enjoy tomorrow anyway. Doctor Who last night was good fun in my opinion, if a strange one to put at the start of the new series: a body swap story in the first episode? Odd choice, but i did think that Billie Piper pulled it off fantastically. David Tennant is brilliant so far, and hints of a dark side are coming through already. "I am the highest moral authority in the universe" is just screaming for a come-uppance, which is something the Doctor rarely experiences. Should be good. And I just love the fact that Heidi enjoys watching with me. It was such a possibility that she might not be engaged by it last year, but she loved it (despite concerns about it's suitability for young viewers).

Anyway, to the competition. We added two new fishy members to our family yesterday, and they don't have names yet. The photos aren't uploading I'm afraid, but please suggest names, as Caleb's only intelligible suggestion so far is 'Dimetrodon', which is a little too jurassic for our likin. One is black and orange and the other silvery-white and orange. I'm good at descriptions, aren't I?

Friday, April 14, 2006

Isaiah 42:3 says...

He won't brush aside the bruised and the hurt

and he won't disregard the small and insignificant,

but he'll steadily and firmly set things right.

There have been times in my life when this has been my hope and strength, all I've had left of my faith to cling to. I know that God says "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:8-9) but honestly- and I know I'm not alone in this- sometimes it really doesn't feel that way!

So I'm posting this for Coleen, who is a great inspiration to me, and who is struggling to see God's grace at the moment. The NIV version of Isaiah 42 says 'A bruised reed he will not break, and a smouldering wick he will not snuff out.' Sometimes (often in my case!) we feel we are about to 'fizzle out' or snap completely, but there is always a point where God says 'this far and no further.' I won't say that it's God's will to have you running a marathon next week but I do know with certainty that he is holding you, and he WON'T let you fall.

The title track from this album makes me cry pretty much every time I hear it, but I'm trying to make it my prayer. Take a listen (it's track 6), and I think anyone who's been there will recognise something authentic there. (Full lyrics here)

Though it won't be today, Someday i'll hope again
And there'll be beauty from pain
You will bring beauty from my pain

Love to you Coleen- and to others who aren't as forthright about their struggles, but who are hurting too.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Been a while...

Okay, well, I hadn't intended to blog when I sat down this morning, but I realised it's been forever (well, February) since I last did, so here's a quick update. Work has been very busy indeed, with a departmental review, mock orals and various other things to contend with. But since it is now the holidays, I shan't dwell on unpleasantness. Nice for me (a lot less nice for Heidi) was the week I spent in Germany (came back last Tuesday) with 14 brilliant students on an exchange trip, the third I have led since being at Carterton. It's always fun, and almost a holiday when we go over there. I make up for it when the Germans come back in June, running myself ragged organising trips to London, Oxford etc. And as I say, I am eternally grateful to my wife, who has had two demanding (and ill) children to look after while I was away, and who I know will sacrifice time and energy when the Germans return; last year was astonishing - three weeks after Elodie was born was when they were coming, and not a single one of my colleagues volunteered to put up one of the German staff, so we had both of them to stay. It was of course pleasant, but very draining for someone who'd given birth for the second time only weeks previously!

Anyway, since returning from Germany I have enjoyed playing with the kids and doing a multitude of DIY jobs to try to bless my wife. But just for added interest value for these holidays, Caleb has chicken pox. We're just grateful it WAS in the holidays, frankly.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Happy Birthday

My Mum emailed me this link where you can watch the video for a song called Happy Birthday by Flipsyde. My mind was blown by this genuine track about a guy's regret at allowing his child to be aborted- and these are not some militant Christian Rap band either but just a bunch of guys who speak their mind (in fact, I'm pretty sure they say plenty that I don't agree with too, judging by the EXPLICIT rating on their album!)
Despite being a mainstream rap band who've supported the likes of the Black Eyed Peas and Snoop Dog it's actually quite hard to find the video or MP3 for this track- which is why I've linked to a German site - I guess the frankness of his feelings are just a bit 'controversial' for those record execs who want to shift their albums! Anyway, it's worth a look I reckon.