Continuing the theme of 'acting justly' that we're exploring with our church group this summer, we spent the evening tasting and talking about Fair Trade products. I was suprised by how little people knew about what was available considering everyone agreed that Fair Trade is a deeply biblical principle. Well, hopefully this evening changed that, and we'll all be a little more ethically-minded when we're shopping. Mark and I have found that it's easier than it would appear to incorporate Fair Trade products into your shopping without breaking the bank-it's all about strategy! For instance, since we don't drink tea or coffee regularly ourselves we try to buy a fairly-traded brand and it doesn't ruin us financially because it doesn't get used up all that quickly. Also, we never buy anything but fairly-traded wine for communion. Regular but infrequent purchases
can be slightly more expensive coz it doesn't eat into your budget
every week/month. Anyway, I'll stop preaching! But might I suggest you try the odd thing? Fairtrade doesn't mean lower quality, it just means higher values- and some things don't even cost all that much more. I'd recommend the Co-op own brand chocolate- I don't generally eat anything but milk chocolate, and it has to be Cadbury's usually, but in the last few weeks I've tasted their dark chocolate, and their white chocolate with rice crispie bits, and I was surprised to really enjoy both...
At 9:14 am ,
Mr Thomas said...
Kidding about what?
At 6:23 pm ,
Anonymous said...
Woo hoo! I've finally managed to get around to looking at your website! I've added it to my favourites, so now i have no excuse not to read it. we would buy fair trade, but we shop in liddles. and all the co-ops i go in are well overpriced and staffed by chav's. that's no excuse i'll admit (and surely the fact that we shop in liddles makes us chav by default?) anyway, this is me saying hi, and expressing my enjoyement at reading the page:)
jon (from Southampton)
At 6:30 pm ,
Anonymous said...
and that duplo thing looks like it kicks sooo much ass. i want one. And your watching 24. nice to see your standards of television havent slipped. Did you catch lost by any chance?
At 7:08 pm ,
Alana said...
'Fraid we don't get much chance to buy Fairtrade. We always buy the coffee but as I don't drink tea or coffee and Ben's only an occasional drinker we don't even get those that often. I also don't really eat chocolate - certainly not on a regular basis.
As for other stuff I prefer to get as much produce as local as possible. Better for freshness, better for the environment and helps support our farmers too - I sometimes feel like they get a bit of a raw deal with us importing so much. Id like to think that we'll carry on farmer in Britain but how likely that is with the current situation I don't know.
But back to your point, think I will try and support the campaign in other ways (you post was food for though) - as I think they do other types of things such as gifts?
At 11:04 pm ,
The inimitable Mrs T. said...
Damn, did Lost start already? I've been waiting for it for ages!
At 11:07 pm ,
The inimitable Mrs T. said...
Allie, very pleased to hear you're ethical about the way you shop already- you're right when you say that it's not just farmers abroad who are exploited.
At 9:38 am ,
The inimitable Mrs T. said...
Yay! I noticed on Alana's blog that Lost only started this week- hooray for second chance sunday!
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