Our new, movie-devoted blog
Please take a look at Movies for Christians to find reviews of things we've seen. It's going to be an ongoing project with things added all the time, and as it's on Blogsome, it has categories and a search facility so you can search for reviews of what you're interested in, in case we have an opinion on it too. It will have a particular eye towards the things that Christians might look for in movies: avoiding the sex/violence/swearing triumvirate, messages you might want to agree or disagree with, suitability for kids perhaps. Of course, we never want to take away your decision-making process: think about what you and your kids see that you and they can't unsee!
At 8:53 pm ,
Sarah said...
Great blog, crap name. Sorry, but it has to be said. There are already so many 'christian' review sites out there, especially in the US I suppose, but still - think of a better name for it! There are plenty of people out there who aren't christians but would still like to read that sort of review blog, but your title would just put them off (as it does me, quite frankly! It's elitist/cliquey and serves to alienate non-christians, in my opinion). Thus speaks the woman who has just come home from a week camping in a field full of christians - it was great, by the way, and loads of people asked me where you guys were ...
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