Soggy Saturday, sleepy Sunday
Well, we foolishly decided to brave the wildlife park on saturday, so we got rained on! It was so heavy nobody (and no animals) wanted to be outside. We had managed to see a few animals before the heavens opened- and lots of owls for some reason- and we did the reptile houses, so it didn't feel like a total wash-out. Caleb got to see the crocodiles so he was happy, which made it worth the money as far as we were concerned. Determined not to give in to the weather we decided to go ahead with our picnic lunch- in our lounge! It was really a lovely afternoon, spent with lots of Joy's family and friends. Caleb was especially thrilled to be in the company of 'big' boys Toby and Sam (See
Things have not been quite as much fun since- I woke up on Sunday feeling sick and very pathetic so we had to skip church for the second week running, which was pants. I slept and mooched and left Mark in charge (again!) I think it's just exaustion really. It's not just Elodie's night feeds either. Caleb hasn't been settling, has been refusing naps, has developed a fear of the dark, and has been doing a lot of night-waking and early (4/5 a.m.) mornings. So we're all shattered.
Still, it means we don't feel guilty about sitting and watching the first three episodes of 'Lost' back-to-back last night! We really enjoyed it- unsurprisingly, since it's written/ created by the guy behind 'Alias' which we're addicted to! Anyway, highly recommended.
After a spot of night-waking, and a 4a.m. start, this morning we went over to Toys'R'Us, just to get us all out of the house, and it was lovely and undemanding! But now I'm getting a cold! Feeling a bit hard done by...
Things have not been quite as much fun since- I woke up on Sunday feeling sick and very pathetic so we had to skip church for the second week running, which was pants. I slept and mooched and left Mark in charge (again!) I think it's just exaustion really. It's not just Elodie's night feeds either. Caleb hasn't been settling, has been refusing naps, has developed a fear of the dark, and has been doing a lot of night-waking and early (4/5 a.m.) mornings. So we're all shattered.
Still, it means we don't feel guilty about sitting and watching the first three episodes of 'Lost' back-to-back last night! We really enjoyed it- unsurprisingly, since it's written/ created by the guy behind 'Alias' which we're addicted to! Anyway, highly recommended.
After a spot of night-waking, and a 4a.m. start, this morning we went over to Toys'R'Us, just to get us all out of the house, and it was lovely and undemanding! But now I'm getting a cold! Feeling a bit hard done by...
At 4:00 am ,
praynlady said...
Mr & Mrs. T, I just wanted to let you know that my husband and I are dedicated to watching "Lost" and "Alias". They are two of our favorites right along with Stargate SG1, and Stargate Atlantis and Battle Star Galactica and Star Wars and Star Trek and so on.
Man, didn't realize we had so many favorites. We don't spend that much time at the tele but guess we find the time somewhere. I'm always on the computer so how can I watch tv? Caleb is just trying to compete with Elodie, it will pass. Take shifts and it will get better, I will continue to pray for your family and will hope that things get better soon. Come back and visit with me on my blog and leave a note for me somewhere in there. Have a great day and God bless, C.
At 4:08 am ,
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At 4:47 am ,
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At 8:21 am ,
wend said...
hiya mate sorry to hear you are not feeling well. The boys enjoyed spending time with care bear caleb, Sammy liked the "beautiful babies" too.
Thanks for your lovely hospitality
At 8:21 am ,
wend said...
hiya mate sorry to hear you are not feeling well. The boys enjoyed spending time with care bear caleb, Sammy liked the "beautiful babies" too.
Thanks for your lovely hospitality, will pray for you guys and the whole situation
At 11:30 am ,
Alana said...
Snap - am also really very sorry for myself as I'm not well either! Hope you feel better soon.
At 10:38 pm ,
Nikki Mayfield said...
We watched all the 'Lost' episodes too - how many Alias cast members were there??!!!!! Great start I thought!
Sorry you're sick, Elias hardly slept on Saturday for coughing, poor boy. Hope you feel better!
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