My big boy...
...started pre-school this week! He's taking it in his stride, unsurprisingly playing with dinosaurs and singing songs comes quite naturally to him, and when I picked him up from his second afternoon his reply to 'what did you do today?' was a very teenage-sounding 'I don't know' -it starts early doesn't it!
The idea that I might use the time to get to know Elodie isn't going to work as the sessions fall at her naptime, but honestly I'm not complaining if this means I'm going to get some things done around the house- or even if it only means I get to watch Neighbours in peace! I think I'll often end up using it as a bit of breathing space to just stop and do nothing, actually. I'm grateful for the 'time off'- Caleb has a strong personality and the weeks can get pretty exhuasting when it's all-day, everyday. Things in this house have just been a permanant whirlwind these last couple of years, not just because we've become 'a family' but because that's coincided with increased responsibility at work for Mark, and with Church for both of us. I think at least one of us in this house needs a little of their sanity restored, and this might be how we do it- offloading our kids!
The idea that I might use the time to get to know Elodie isn't going to work as the sessions fall at her naptime, but honestly I'm not complaining if this means I'm going to get some things done around the house- or even if it only means I get to watch Neighbours in peace! I think I'll often end up using it as a bit of breathing space to just stop and do nothing, actually. I'm grateful for the 'time off'- Caleb has a strong personality and the weeks can get pretty exhuasting when it's all-day, everyday. Things in this house have just been a permanant whirlwind these last couple of years, not just because we've become 'a family' but because that's coincided with increased responsibility at work for Mark, and with Church for both of us. I think at least one of us in this house needs a little of their sanity restored, and this might be how we do it- offloading our kids!
At 8:50 pm ,
wend said...
that's great mate, a bit of "me" time is always good, being able to think your own thoughts etc, before you know it elodie won't be having some huge naps and you'll get a bit of time with her too
At 6:18 am ,
Sarah said...
I've banned 'I don't know' and 'I can't remember' as answers to the 'what did you do today' question in this house!
Glad the entry to pre-school was good for Caleb, and I really hope you manage to make the most of the time, however it works out, Heidi :)
At 3:01 pm ,
Nikki Mayfield said...
Thrilled to hear he's taking to it so well, I am sure it is the very necessary next step for you and him! He's such a sociable little guy he probably was ready to expand his circle of friends!
At 3:21 am ,
praynlady said...
Kaylee attends a group here called Mothers Day Out. It is on Tues. and Thurs. from 8:45 until 2:45. 11$ a day and it is more like a preschool than a day care. She has excelled tremendously and you'd never guess that she is only 2. I am very happy that it appears you survived the first week of preschool. It is usually the toughest while getting used to the free time and missing the kiddos. Enjoy your freedom! heehee It is probably the only free time you will have from now on! Well, maybe not.
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